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Holiday Foods: Naughty or Nice?: Tips for Staying Healthy During the Season of Sweets

A few cookies here, a couple of eggnogs there and a rich meal in-between can quickly pack on unhealthy extra pounds. But we can minimize the damage of holiday feasts by making wise food choices that total up fewer calories, less fat and more fiber. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Pick whole wheat rolls, wild rice and quinoa to stay satisfied longer.
  • Select steamed fish and seafood for a plate both elegant and light.
  • Pass on the gravy, as it’s usually high in fat.
  • Eat regular meals and snack on fruits to avoid overindulging at festivities.
  • Choose low fat yogurts and hard cheeses as both satisfying and rich in calcium
  • Look to small amounts of dark chocolate and heart-healthy nuts to stave off a craving.
  • Limit alcoholic drinks and cocktails because they are high in calories, with no nutritional value.

 Depriving ourselves of a favorite holiday treat can backfire and lead to unsatisfied cravings and overeating. Making conscious decisions, however, on where to splurge will leave us jolly and feeling good.

 Source: Adapted from

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