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Natural Awakenings National

Consistency Counts: Workers Still Greener at Home than on the Job

Across the country, employers are scrambling to send an important message to workers, customers, vendors and the public: Green matters. Part of that is a response to a bottom-up push. In a 2008 survey by Randstad and Harris Interactive, 87 percent of employees affirm it is at least “somewhat important” that their employers offer green-friendly programs at work.

People want to work for companies that have strong values and care about sustainability. They also want to work for companies that solicit their green ideas.

Still, while 93 percent of employed respondents turn off electrical devices at home to conserve energy, only 50 percent do so at work. And while 77 percent of employees recycle at home, only 49 percent do so on the job. Together, we can do better.

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