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Natural Awakenings National

Outdoor Workouts Trump the Gym: Boost Mental and Physical Well-Being

When deciding whether to run on a treadmill in the gym of jog in a nearby park, opt for the park, suggests a recent study published in the research journal, Environmental Science & Technology.

The study authors—a team at the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry—say exercising outdoors not only appears to promote physical health, but boosts mental well-being, as well. The team analyzed data from a number of sources, including 11 randomized and non-randomized control trials incorporating information from 833 adults.

The study found that exercising in natural environments decreased feelings of tension, confusion, anger and depression, while increasing feelings of revitalization, increased energy and positive engagement. Study participants that exercised outdoors also reported greater enjoyment and satisfaction and stated that they were more likely to repeat their exercise activity.

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