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Juicing Recipes

Lemon Ginger Green Beauty Tonic

At first sight, this juice appears intensely green, but it’s mild and delicious (in a healthy way). Both cleansing and for- tifying, this tonic flushes and hydrates the system to grow beautiful skin, hair and an inner glow.

Romaine lettuce is mild and juicy; parsley is rich in antioxidant vitamin C, minerals and chlorophyll; cucumber isfull of silica for beautiful skin and hair; celery contains an optimum balance of potassium and sodium to promote nutrient uptake in cells; ginger fires up digestion; and lemon is full of vitamin C and electrolytes to hydrate the body. Some prefer tart, green apples for their bright taste and lower sugar content, although any firm, organic apple is welcome.

Yields: 2-4 servings

1 head Romaine lettuce
6 stalks celery
1 cucumber
½ bunch parsley
2 organic green apples
1 lemon
1 inch of fresh ginger

1. Wash all of the produce. Separate the Romaine and cut the bottom stem into pieces that will easily fit through the juicer. Cut the cucumber into quarters lengthwise. Cut the apples into sections that will fit through the juicer. There is no need to remove seeds if the produce is organic.

2. Juice all ingredients in a vegetable juicer, alternating for easy processing.

3. Drink while the juice is fresh.

Watermelon Kidney Cleanse

Because watermelons are full of organic water, they act as a natural diuretic to tonify and cleanse kidneys. The recipe’s spicy ginger and cooling mint will stimulate and support digestion. This simple, delicious juice requires only a blender to prepare.

Yield: 2-4 servingsWatermelon Juice Recipe

6 cups cubed watermelon, chilled (about 1½ lbs)
1-2 Tbsp ginger, chopped
1 cup mint leaves Juice of 1 lime Pinch of sea salt
Pinch of cayenne pepper (optional)

1. Place all ingredients in a blender at high speed until smooth.

2. Pour through a fine strainer or sieve; for well-strained results, line the strainer or colander with cheesecloth.

3. Serve chilled or over ice, garnished with a sprig of mint.

Virgin Bell Mary

This juice is a fortifying cousin of a Bloody Mary. The red bell peppers are loaded with antioxidant vitamins A and C; lycopene, protective of heart and lungs (American Cancer Society and The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition); and lutein and zeaxanthin, both supportive of eye and skin health (American Society for Nutritional Sciences and Clinics in Dermatology). Plus, they lend a beautiful crimson color and tangy sweetness. Add a pinch of cayenne for an extra kick. This one’s perfect for Sunday brunch or an afternoon pick-me-up.

Yields: 2-4 servings

4 cups red bell peppers with stem, seeds and veins removed
1 cucumber, cut into quarters lengthwise
6 stalks celery
4-6 sprigs cilantro
4-6 sprigs parsley
1 clove garlic
1 inch of fresh ginger
Pinch of cayenne pepper, to taste
Pinch of sea salt, to taste
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Virgin Bell Mary recipe1. Wash and prepare vegetables.

2. Juice all vegetables, garlic and ginger in a juicer.

3. Stir in cayenne, salt and pepper to taste.

4. Option to add one ounce of good quality vodka (Grey Goose, Belvedere, or Ketel One are excellent choices) to each serving to de-virginize, then serve with a tender rib of celery. Serve immediately.

Bonus: Smooth Bell Gazpacho Soup

The Virgin Bell Mary juice makes a succulent base for a smooth soup. Place prepared juice in a blender and add:

2 cups seeded, diced tomato
1 avocado
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp agave nectar

1. Blend until smooth and season with sea salt and fresh black pepper.

2. Garnish with finely chopped basil

Pomegranate Antioxidant Punch

Pomegranates are a champion source of polyphenol antioxidants to help keep cells and skin young and beautiful and to sweep the body of free radicals from pollution and metabolic waste. Look for fruit with smooth, firm skin and a uniform shape.

Red grapes contain an abundance of cell-protecting resveratrol, as well as age-defying antioxidant flavonoids and phenolic acids. Oranges are loaded with antioxidant vitamin C and carotenoids to disarm free radicals and fortify overall health. Add a splash of sparkling water for a lighter, scarlet colored, fizzy drink.Pomegranate Antioxidatant Punch Recipe

Yields: 2-4 servings

3 pomegranates, seeds separated
1½ cup red grapes
¼ cup fresh orange juice, apple juice, apple cider or water

1. Cut the pomegranates into quarters.

2. Separate the pomegranate seeds from the skin and pith.

3. Place pomegranate seeds in blender with grapes and juice, cider or water.

4. Blend until smooth.

5. Pour through a mesh strainer or sieve and press with the back of a large spoon to extract all the juice.

6. Serve chilled.

Source: Recipes are courtesy of Renée Loux; from
The Balanced Plate and Living Cuisine.

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