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Natural Awakenings National

The Global Coherence Hypothesis: A Conversation with Howard Martin

Dec 03, 2010 12:09AM ● By Linda Sechrist

Howard Martin is one of the founders of the groundbreaking Institute of HeartMath and one of the creators of the institute’s Global Coherence Initiative. This science-based research initiative currently unites 27,000 members from 85 countries, like-minded people engaged in heart-focused care and intention to support the well-being of the planet. One of its goals is to help measurably shift global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace.

Here, Martin discusses how participating in their efforts can help us discover whether our collective hearts’ energy field really can have a decided impact.


What is the Global Coherence Initiative?

Many of us at HeartMath have spent years thinking about how to make major changes in the way the world operates, and have concluded that it will require a change in the field of consciousness itself. We, like you, regularly meditate and pray for world peace and the success of good works. We do this based on belief in the principle, explained by quantum physics, that a field of oneness unites us all.

At present, however, we have no dynamic proof that this is effective, because we have no means of scientifically measuring the effect. This is one purpose of the Global Coherence Initiative; another is to create a global community of like-minded people interested in increasing the impact of their meditation, prayer and intention efforts.

It’s evident that humanity is at a crossroads, and the initiative exists to help individuals and groups collaborate, both synchronously and strategically, in order to move change in a positive direction.


What is heart coherence?

Since 1991, scientists at the Institute of HeartMath have been conducting research in the field of heart coherence, with results most recently published in the journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. We know it as a distinct mode of synchronized psychophysical functioning associated with sustained positive emotion; a state of energetic alignment and cooperation between heart, mind, body and spirit.

In this dynamic, yet stable, state, various physiological systems within individuals become more ordered and harmonious. Energy accumulates, granting these individuals a larger reservoir of energy to manifest harmonious intention and outcomes. They may also naturally become more sensitive to their environment, other people and the world itself.


How can individually practicing the coherence techniques on your website translate into influencing the world?

Our hypothesis is that mass emotion, whether positive or negative, has an impact not only on world thought, but on the planet itself. This means that an active global coherence community can intentionally build an aggregate reservoir of positive energy and send out coherent love and care to the Earth as well as peoples affected by many of the challenges we see today. We believe that this will create a more powerful heart-filled, supportive and sustainable environment.

Personal coherence also promotes a sense of connection and harmonious social interaction. It enhances our ability to deal with challenges and changes more easily and less stressfully.


Is there a way to measure individual and global coherence?

An individual can measure their own coherence using the emWave® technology developed by HeartMath. It shows how different patterns of heart activity have distinct links with cognitive and emotional functions.

On a larger scale, Earth monitoring will be done by The Global Coherence Monitoring System (GCMS). Two of 12 monitoring sites strategically located around the world have now been deployed, in Northern California and Saudi Arabia. These sensor sites are observing changes in the geomagnetic field and the ionosphere, a plasma-like field that protects the Earth from incoming radiation. Over three years, GCMS will enable a new level of scientific inquiry into the relationship between the Earth’s magnetic field, collective human emotions and behaviors, and planetary changes.


Can anyone participate in the Global Coherence Initiative?

 Yes, just register on the website for a free membership. At members’ own discretion, they may use proffered resources to help facilitate desired changes in individual, social and global consciousness, learn about the science behind the project and participate in specific experiments.

Members also receive periodic alerts with suggestions about when and where they may help make direct, energetic contributions to planetary needs through coherence practice, meditation, prayer and directed intentions. However, no one has to use the coherence heart-focused techniques provided. We do not designate any particular form of prayer, out of respect for differing belief systems.


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